Check Out The Cool Things Our Key Clubs Are Doing!

The Dublin Kiwanis Club takes great pride in fostering the growth and development of youth leadership within our community. The most impactful way we do that is by sponsoring three prominent Key Clubs at Dublin Jerome, Dublin Coffman, and Dublin Scioto High Schools! Key Club International, boasting over 200,000 members worldwide, provides a robust framework for students to engage in impactful service projects, learn important leadership skills, and foster an environment focused on implementing change in the local community.

Key Clubbers are our future leaders, and our clubs are just 3 of thousands of clubs worldwide! Our Kiwanis Club is nothing without our Key Clubs, whether it’s helping us run our big events for the year like the easter egg hunt and frog hop, or offering up mentorship to graduating seniors as they transition into college/adult life, we are so proud of our Key Club members who help shape the Dublin Community for the better! If you would like to work with any of our amazing Key Clubs, please reach out and we will be happy to help get you in contact with the clubs.
While we cannot list all the amazing things that our Key Clubs have done, here are a few of the volunteer activities in which our sponsored Key Club members participate:
- Key Clubbers hosted a breakfast with Santa that helped local families access gifts, and a morning packed full of fun activities during the holiday season!
- Key Clubbers ran a teen toy drive to give toys to individuals to play with and keep while undergoing treatment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Key Clubbers volunteered at Willow Ridge, a local non-profit therapeutic horse-riding facility, to help clean up their facilities and aid their programming.
- Key Clubbers organized and hosted a park cleanup at Avery Park to ensure that wildlife and community members have a clean place to enjoy in our community.
- Key Clubbers crafted Christmas blankets and cards for veterans and their families during the holiday season to offer comfort.
- Key Clubbers created self-care kits for young mothers who have kids attending under-resourced schools in the Columbus community.
- Key Clubbers made pip cleaner flowers to be hung on the doors of pediatric patients at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
- Key Clubbers wrote Valentine’s Day cards for a retirement home in Dublin to give to residents to share the love on the holiday!
- Key Clubbers collected and sorted clothes for I Support the Girls, a non-profit that provides female clothing and products to needy individuals.
- Key Clubbers hosted a Black History Month Movie Night to celebrate diversity, unity, and community and collect needed supplies for the Dublin food pantry.
- Key Clubbers aided in collecting clothing and goods for One Dublin to ensure community members have access to resources needed for success.